And here we go

I have no idea how to start this, so I guess I’ll just start at the top.

My name’s Grace, I’m in my early twenties and I like to write stuff. Well, in theory. You see I find it very difficult sometimes to actually force myself to sit down and write. My favourite thing to do is think up stories and scenarios and although sometimes it’s nice to write them down, often I find I can’t sustain that for long periods.

Hence, the blog.

I figure, that if I force myself to write at least one post a week that maybe I’ll get into the habit a bit more and my work ethic will improve. Well, that’s the plan anyway.

This blog is going to be strictly for any film or TV show reviews that I write. If I get really brave I may even proffer an opinion on entertainment new stories as I’m an active member of a number of fandoms and often find myself writing semi coherent rants on the tags of my tumblr blog and so may, perhaps one day, attempt to order those thoughts in a more civilised fashion. Until then, I’m just going to write about what interests me and on things that I want to discuss, since that’ll be the best way to keep myself motivated and posting.

This blog *should* be mostly spoiler free, especially if I write a review fairly soon after the release date (I do go to a lot of midnight premieres so this may be the case) however if it’s necessary to mention any major plot points I’ll make sure to warn you at the top of the review.

Now I’m not an idiot, I know very well that the likelihood of anyone reading this is minuscule, and  that this is basically the electronic version of talking to myself. But hey, I do that anyway so I don’t see why this is any worse.

Basically, the aim of the game is to get something down regularly and to get some of my old enthusiasm for writing back. And you never know, it might cheer me up a bit.

Don’t get too optimistic though, I did say might.